Car Sales Marketing
Selling cars in 2022 isn't just about selling the car to the customer on the forecourt anymore.
Its about capturing their attention online as well.
Its about reviews, social media, reputation management and branding.
You need the visit to the forecourt in the first place before you can sell the car
but the competition for walk in trade is fierce.
Today you can't rely on passing trade alone
The newspapers just don't work like they used too
And the competition is really tough
Maybe its time you upped your game!

Social Media
Take a look at most car trade social media pages, are you seeing something similar. Imagine how bored the followers are.
That's if they're not blocking your posts.
Maybe that's why your social reach figures are down.
Who's doing your social media? I would like to bet its a staff member.
How much are you paying them to do this?
Shouldn't they be selling cars?
We fix this
I would imagine you paid a lot of money for your website. Most are specialist sites purpose built that cost thousands, this is understandable but you should be thinking about a return on investment.
If used well Social media is the tool to drive the traffic to your website so you can get that return on investment.
We fix this

Increase Sales
By improving your social media and driving more traffic to your website you increase sales. Why?
Your website is built to sell and designed to capture interest.
Moving sales staff from the computer to the forecourt increases sales and reduces wasted overheads.
By improving your social posts you improve your brand and increase sales.
We fix this
More Traffic
By making these changes, improving your social media, tracking clicks & improving SEO you increase traffic to your website. This helps with sales, brand awareness, SEO performance, customer retention & reputation management.
We fix this also

Cardiff media has done our social media and SEO for 4 years and we wouldn't have it any other way. Alex, Hoodhill Motor Company

If you get found on Google search then your SEO and Brand is working.
If you get found direct then your marketing and social posting is working.
If you get visits from the Facebook button then overall your page is working.
Everything else is from affiliates
or links from other sources still important but not as effective individually.
These are actual figures highlighting how effective marketing works.
Hyperlink (direct) from various
SEO & Facebook
Where do your buyers come from?
1. Google 1335 SEO - Search - Brand
2. (direct) 1059 Hyperlink on Social Media
or typing domain in search
3. www.autotrader.co.uk 333 Affiliate
4. Facebook 51 Button at top of FB page
5. Bing 33 SEO - Search - Brand
6. cargurus.co.uk 21 Affiliate
7. uk.search.yahoo.com 9 SEO - Search
8. yell.com 9 Affiliate
9. theaa.com 6 Affiliate
10. Duckduckgo 3 SEO - Search

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